Friday, January 9, 2015

Books + Film: If I Stay & Where She Went

I am always so excited when a book I've read is made into a movie! I have to admit, like most people's opinion, a film adaption of a book I love does not always compare to the depth in which the book takes me, especially in its' details and the vividness in which words are able convey and can not always interpret itself wholeheartedly in a two hour version of the story, but regardless of such comparisons and opinions, I am still a supporter of any book adapted into film. Personally, I think it gives me the opportunity to experience stories and characters I have fallen in love with, all over again, quickly, rapidly, repeatedly, excessively, in a short period of time. Whether I prefer the book version more so than the film, or at times, rarely but surely it happens, preferring the film over the book, when watching the film adaption of a book I have read, I try to simply sit back and just take in the visuals being presented and listen attentively to the narrative, without getting caught up with comparisons but simply taking in the manner in which the art of film, its' director, the actors and actresses interprets and retells the story. There is so much to take in, either way.

Sometimes I stumble upon a book I haven't read, after it has already been released as a movie and I find myself wanting to desperately read it as soon as possible, so that I can beat my own temptation of watching it before getting through the book. I find it so much more inspiring to read the book before watching the movie than it is to have seen the movie and then be motivated to read it afterwards. There have been times where I have done just that, watched a movie that moved me so much that I just wanted to devour myself into the book, knowing that in the book, I could abstract details that the movie may not have had time for or simply that I just wanted to discover the version as the author intended it to be, since film adaption do not always stay true to the story's original version. Anyhow, more times than otherwise I do prefer to get my hands on a book, read it, fall in love with it, prolong the experience, then relive it by watching its' movie version, than I prefer doing it the other way around. So, when I found out that the Young Adult Fiction, "If I Stay", by Gayle Forman had been made into a movie, I knew that I wanted and needed to finally read the book. It is a book that has been around for several years and have rallied a lot of fans. I knew that watching the movie will not be the same until I read the story of Mia and Adam, in "If I Stay".

So two months ago, I started reading "If I Stay" and found out that there is a sequel. Ordinarily, I am not one to quickly rush right into the sequel. Some people read book series, one after the other, with no other books in between, but I do not always read through book series in that way. I don't usually mind if I take a break in between books and read another story, separate from the series. Although after reading, "If I Stay", I felt compelled to get the sequel, "Where She Went", almost immediately. I think two days passed and I was unto starting "Where She Went". I think a big part of this desire to continue on with the series, without a break in between is due greatly to how the first book to this series ended. For me, it did not seem like an ending at all. In other books, that last page of "If I Stay", may have simply been an end to a chapter. Now, having read both "If I Stay" and "Where She Went", I see why they were separated into two books.

The first book was narrated from Mia's point of view. "If I Stay" is about life prior to a decision that she has to make leading to the end of the book, it focuses on the choices at hand, it sets up the story and the tragedy that led to the second book. It is about the accident, life before the accident, the families and friends involved and deeply affected by the accident.  It about getting to know the characters deeply and gaining the readers affection for them. It centers around a life-changing accident and flashes back to her life before the accident. It gives light to her family, the kind of parents and people her Mom and Dad were, as well as her individual relationship with each of them, including her much younger brother, Teddy, whom she adores and loves so immensely. "If I Stay" reveals how Mia and Adam, who can be described in many ways, as an unlikely couple, got together, shares a love for music, despite how different the type of music they play, Adam into rock and Mia into classical, but how they still fell in love. Connection wasn't their challenge nor was it for the readers to understand how much chemistry these two young lovers have. Mia reveals in the most detailed ways in which Adam meant to her and how significant he is in, in her life. The first book "If I Stay" is about the accident and the choices one may have to make, when all whom she loves, but one, are gone...

The second book, "Where She Went" skips years ahead and goes right into life after all those decisions surrounding the accident have been made and how life has changed for both Mia and Adam. "Where She Went" unlike "If I Stay" is now narrated through Adam's perspective, giving readers a more insight on the kind of person he is and the depth in which he loved and continues to love Mia. "Where She Went" had quite a surprising beginning, revealing a life so different than what one may have intended would have happened after the end of the first book. "Where She Went" takes place in a span of about 24 hours yet it is so rich in content, emotions, revelations and changes. I personally found myself even more captivated by the second book. The subject, primarily love and the reasons behind decisions people make that may define their action, no matter how selfish it may seem or how unloving it may look or how complicated it is. There was a lot of focus in the second book primarily on Adam and Mia's relationship, dynamic and the paths and direction their lives had taken. I also thought there was a great difference in the manner in which these two books were told, which interestingly despite the change in narrator and perspective, there was also a structural difference. In the second book, author Gayle Forman, had chosen to include in the beginning of each chapter an excerpt of lyrics, identified by its song title and track number from the fictional album, in which Adam had apparently written and recorded that led to his world-wide success as a rock star. Although the significance of this album in the story goes beyond the success the album, "Collateral Damage" had given his group, Shooting Star. The significance of the album and how it is critical to the story of Adam and Mia, is the message in the lyrics of every song, title of every track and how it reflected a very poignant perspective and emotional landscape, Adam was dealing with during the time in between the first book and the second book. Though I found myself more engaged by the content of the second book, one must read "If I Stay" before getting to "Where She Went." It is the foundation to the bigger picture, the story behind the story...

Taking it a step further, and another twist of creativity by the author, Gayle Forman continues to give insight to Adam Wilde, after the end of "Where She Went", in a section titled Shuffle, on the last few pages of the book, after the acknowledgment section. It is an article from a magazine about Adam, the rock-start, his three year hiatus and the new album he had written. Along with this insightful information, is a few more pages with track titles and song lyrics to its entirety, making Adam seem even more alive and true to life, for readers of this book collection. 

Now, I have read them both and I can finally watch the movie!!! Well, I did watch "If I Stay" right before the holidays, during my brother's visit, since he too has read the book. It was already after I read both books, but now I am ready for whenever "Where She Went" is made and comes out on film!