Monday, December 1, 2014


It is officially December, everywhere & all over the world!!! This is my favorite time of the year... between the HOLIDAY SEASON & MY BIRTHDAY MONTH, there is so much to get excited about! It is a month full of gatherings with family & friends, delicious meals, tons of dessert, gift exchanges, Christmas music & decor, bright, colorful lights everywhere, the smell of alpine trees, cinnamon & pies. It is a time for sharing, giving (and receiving). It is a time for reflection and tradition, a time for reunions and remembering loved ones near and far, those we miss and the ones that have passed. In December, you might hear a lot more laughter than usual, think of more sentimental words to say, do a lot more hugging, see more smiling faces, feel those positive vibes, recognize people eager to be living life to the fullest and attend more fun, out of this world, memorable parties in one month, than you have all year long. It is such a festive time of the year and I love it! I'm kicking off the 1st day of this special, wonderful month of December, hanging up a little bit of beautiful, sparkly holiday decor around my home, ready to enjoy every single day of December.