Monday, October 20, 2014

Tangelo & Grafted Cactus

We planted our first fruit tree this past weekend... We choose Tangelo! It is a citrus fruit, like oranges, but smaller and a tiny tad sweeter. We thought Tangelos would make the perfect snack for Jax. It is such a joy to see Jax participate whole heartedly in the process of choosing our fruit tree and being such a great helper for his Daddy, as we moved the baby tree from its' pot and planted it, into the soil.

Jax also got to pick out a tiny little cactus that is also officially his first plant. The bright yellowish-orange Grafted Cactus, commonly known as "Moon Cactus" is so cute to look at. We also love the little turquoise pot we found, to put it in. I just think these mixture of bright, fun colors are so adorable together.

Taking care of our new Tangelo tree and Grafted Cactus will be such a great learning experience for Jax and I know hew will enjoy helping me with the responsibility of showering them with water, sunlight and love. 

Photographs taken on Sunday, 10.18.2014