Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Oh, how I love B!

Oh, how I love B! Before there was Jax, before there was Brixton, our other English Bulldog, there was Barrington or B for short. Barrington may have well been our first child, for a long while, the center of our universe, our middle ground, our comfort and security. He was my first muse, my first photo obsession, my constant companion, and still to this day, my cuddle buddy. Barrington has the sweetest demeanor. He is gentle in the way he moves, and the way he shows affection. He is soft, literally, both physically and emotionally. He is my kind of "fluffy". He is sensitive in the most humane way. He wears his heart on his sleeve and in return, he melts my heart. He has shown me, time and time again, how to love unconditionally and generously. Before there was Brixton and prior to Jax, I used to take Barrington everywhere with me. When I still lived in Los Angeles, and while Joshua was gone for months during his deployments, Barrington, through Pet Airways, would fly out to stay with me, keep me company and served as a reminder of Joshua, to me. Barrington, you see was my dream dog! I've always wanted an English Bulldog and I've always wanted a dog named Barrington. So, when Joshua got him on what felt like an unexpected purchase, it also turned out to be the start of so many of my dreams, Joshua will go on to make come true. Barrington fulfilled everything I imagined having an English Bulldog would be like, and much more! Today, we decided to take Barrington to the playground with Jax and of course, while Jax played and ran around, Barrington found a spot, a few steps up unto the jungle gym and in his easy going ways, hung out and lounged around until we were ready to go. Today reminded me of all the places I used to take Barrington, from constant visits to the dog park, trips from Los Angeles to San Diego to visit my family, to social gatherings with my friends in their apartments and even to my dance rehearsals. He used to go with me everywhere and he was easy to take everywhere. Nowadays, with Jax running around and Barrington's brother, Brixton being quite the rascal (he isn't as well behaved as Barrington is but still a sweet heart to me) tagging along with me for what used to be his daily adventures is not so easy anymore. So today, I was happy to see him get out and hang out at the playground with the family. I miss taking him on those little joy rides and walks during a Farmer's Market. I hope he doesn't miss it as much as I sometimes do because I know, before there was Brixton and before there was Jax, it was only all about Barrington. Oh, how I love B!