Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Reading: The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavendar, by Leslye Walton

It was only a little over a week ago, when I stumbled upon this book. The beautiful book cover image with that cobalt blue (blue in all its' varying shades, nearly without fail, alway gets my attention) and that shimmering gold feather, was what instantly caught my eye. It is a hard cover book. Underneath the book jacket, is this blue textured cover. I love the feel of it. Looking at it, holding it, reminded me of those old, classic books; the ones worth collecting. When I read the title, The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavendar, I knew that this book, was one I needed to pick up and open. The phrase, "love makes us such fools", is stated boldly on the insert jacket of the book. One can hardly miss it. This phrase mesmerized me and furthered my curiosity. Right there and then, I decided to read the Preface and in just those few short pages, I was completely enthralled. I set the book down. I walked around the store. I looked through other books. I finally went home, convinced that my prenotions of this book may simply be an impulse interest rather than a permanent fascination. Well, I was wrong. I thought about this book, even when it was not in sight. I kept imagining that cover, rethinking the title, taking in that phrase and reflecting on its' meaning. I kept thinking of this book, which I had come upon but knew nothing about. I had never heard of it. I did not personally know a single person who has read it. I was not familiar with the author or her other writings. This book was never recommended to me, yet I found myself, absolutely compelled to read it. Two days later, after coming to terms with the fact that I couldn't seem to get this book out of my mind, I finally decided that I was going to go back to the store and buy myself my very own copy of The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavendar, by Leslye Walton. Since then, during my spare time and on some nights, before I go to sleep, I have been slowly reading through each page. I am far from the last page but I will finish this book! I have chosen to take a risk at picking up a book unknown to me but this isn't the first time I have done this and I, luckily, even on my own discovery, always seem to find those rare treasures, that I am grateful to have stumbled upon. Six chapters later, I already know this one will be a gem!

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavendar, by Leslye Walton
First Edition 2014
Printed in Berryville, VA, U.S.A
Copyright by Candlewick Press in Sommerville, Massachusetts 02144